Nov 21, 2022

Yep, Tesla and SpaceX have both struggled! But good-old-boy Elon "Phony Stark" Musk pulled through by tightening the purse-strings and pulling himself up by the bootstraps, and $5bn in government aid. I don't know how he does it! /s

Now Tesla is dropping like a stone as 1.) Elon sells off his shares to finance his accidental purchase of Twitter and 2.) Tesla shareholders wonder exactly how he'll manage to effectively lead the company.

Apparently Musk is not "in the business of making foolish mistakes". Presumably the mistakes he's making are a special kind of "genius" mistakes?

You're wrong about one thing: people still care. A lot of people are having a lot of fun watching Elon flail around tanking not one, but two companies at the same time. I guess that 120hr-work-week ethic really pays off!


Written by Adamish

I’m a Lead Developer and write mostly Ruby on Rails. I also dabble in any language that takes my fancy.

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